By PhoenixChick - 24/05/2017 10:33

Today, just like when I interviewed for the job, I know nothing about graphic design and I'm not interested in sales. I've just found out that my "project management" job I was hired for now has the job title "Graphic Sales." They changed it after I started 3 days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 303
You deserved it 388

PhoenixChick tells us more.

OP here- the hilarious thing about them changing the job is that the new "Graphic Sales" job involved being the customer service desk for any customer having problems with their graphics files. There are two full time graphic designers, but they decided the gal who was hired to "make sure production is kept on track" is the one who should answer every single question regarding graphics and deisgn for all current and potential customers. To make things more fun, today I found out that the former owner of the company (and the current owner's dad) has serious age-related memory problems and forgets that he isn't stll the boss. He will show up and start yelling at you and telling you what to do and demanding things. Employees are told to placate him, and try to distraxt him as quickly as possible. But don't do anything to hurt his feelings.

Top comments

Graphic Design is a tough field to make a living at, and I'd bet selling the corporate services of graphic designers who aren't making it on their own is probably tougher still. I mean, the corporate logo of the place where I work was literally drawn in crayon on paper by the owner's 8yo kid. "Pay you for that? My kid could draw that!" is a real thing. Godspeed, brave fish-out-of-water.

Uh, didn't you sign a contract with the details of your position (title, rate of pay, etc.)? I don't think they can just change that out from under you.


Tell them you're more qualified at "Graphic Violence" so they'd better give you the PM job or you'll unleash the hounds of Hell on them!

Graphic Design is a tough field to make a living at, and I'd bet selling the corporate services of graphic designers who aren't making it on their own is probably tougher still. I mean, the corporate logo of the place where I work was literally drawn in crayon on paper by the owner's 8yo kid. "Pay you for that? My kid could draw that!" is a real thing. Godspeed, brave fish-out-of-water.

Sounds like the plot of a gas lighting spy movie. I really wish you the best of luck!

Uh, didn't you sign a contract with the details of your position (title, rate of pay, etc.)? I don't think they can just change that out from under you.

They changed op after 3 days. So technically they had the job they signed up for for that long before it changed. The company could claim a strategic shift or something like that. I got a buddy who signed a contract with the army to be a combat engineer, they trained him to be that, assigned him to a unit as a combat engineer and then transferred him to a different unit the next day to be a cook. Technically they fulfilled their contractural obligation and then moved him to where he was needed.

Looks like you're now getting paid to look for a new job! :)

squiros 2

if it's any consolation, both jobs are low skill requirement jobs that essentially anyone can do. don't sweat it, you'll pick it up as fast as 'project management'.

OP here- the hilarious thing about them changing the job is that the new "Graphic Sales" job involved being the customer service desk for any customer having problems with their graphics files. There are two full time graphic designers, but they decided the gal who was hired to "make sure production is kept on track" is the one who should answer every single question regarding graphics and deisgn for all current and potential customers. To make things more fun, today I found out that the former owner of the company (and the current owner's dad) has serious age-related memory problems and forgets that he isn't stll the boss. He will show up and start yelling at you and telling you what to do and demanding things. Employees are told to placate him, and try to distraxt him as quickly as possible. But don't do anything to hurt his feelings.

I don't know how the law looks in the U.S (I assume you're from the U.S due to "Phoenix") but it is likely illegal to change your work tasks that radically from what you agreed on in the contract. As for the previous owner, I have full symphaty for everyone involved there. It's not easy for you and it's not easy for the current owner.

There wasn't a contract, unfortunately. I've never had a contract for an office job- I wonder if that varies state to state to state.

contract could also be a letter of offer, something that outlines your pay, holidays, etc

Id check it out, because a position title is something that would go onto your resume for the future. If they hired you for something and then change it, it's really dirty of them! This if you were hired as an IT administrator, but three days, or even three months after you started they switched your title to Help Desk. It would ruin your future career opportunity. You can't use it as your title while working there!

Fake it til you make it and don't sweat the small stuff. Two oldies that are true for you.