By Anonymous - 14/05/2009 17:13 - United States

Today, I was home on leave and having breakfast with my parents and my younger brothers. I guess I got too used to the rougher language around the Army barracks where I'm stationed. At the breakfast table I asked my Mom to "pass me the f***ing butter". FML
I agree, your life sucks 484
You deserved it 181

Top comments

HAHAHAHA nice one. I was at my mom's and accidentally said her cat is so ******* cute.

That almost happened to me too when I was back on leave a few months ago.


gtdoll 0

hahahahaha! THAT is funny! by the way, thanks for serving the country ;)

/lol im a sailor so this is basically the story of my life. or better yet story of my leave.

oh and #22. **** you. you should see what it's like to be in the military, it's a whole different life. and it's worth every day of it.

patray_angel 0

I can see how that would be awkward if you don't normally talk like that around your family. I would hope that they understand. My day was overseas for a year and he definitely dropped a good number of f-bombs when he first got home. It is hard to not pick up that kind of talk when you are around it 24/7. I know my vocabulary became more interesting while I was in college.

been there done that...thanks ******* army. yeah its ******

My grandfather told me that story. Although it was broccoli, not butter.

Heh, I think every old soldier I have ever known has told that story (and after a decade enlisted, I've met a few). Yeah, I have to admit I've had to watch my language at work since I started working on the civilian side, but it seems oddly suspicious that everybody tells the exact same dinner table story... Also, a few movies. ;) Well, if it actually happened, gotta make yourself a swear jar.

Blardo 0

If this think this is an FML, then please kill yourself.