By Anonymous - 14/05/2009 17:13 - United States

Today, I was home on leave and having breakfast with my parents and my younger brothers. I guess I got too used to the rougher language around the Army barracks where I'm stationed. At the breakfast table I asked my Mom to "pass me the f***ing butter". FML
I agree, your life sucks 484
You deserved it 181

Top comments

HAHAHAHA nice one. I was at my mom's and accidentally said her cat is so ******* cute.

That almost happened to me too when I was back on leave a few months ago.


Koalafrau_fml 0

You'd better use lube or vaseline than "******* butter". ;-)

gamergirl8447 0

hahahahahahahahahahah this one actually made me lol

HAHAHAH The new Major Payne! Pass the damn jelly 2 Bitch!!!!

melishusss 0

eh. laugh it off! i curse around my mom all the time.

30: Hey, we liberals can respect our troops too. OP: First off, thank you for your service. Secondly, FYL. I have some friends in the military who I could see doing the same thing, lol

Your life isn't F'd & You deserve it. Learn to speak properly. Cursing is horrible.

AnneFTW, you're on a site called **** MY LIFE. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're horrible.

Can't really blame you, people joining the army are just plain stupid.

Sed146 0

U should respect our troops they risk theirlive so u can live your pathetic, nonimportant one as for op thank u soooooooooooooo much

...and they protect your country and your freedoms, you unappreciative ****.

#255 Oh HELL no. It doesn't matter WHAT branch of the military you serve. YOU STILL SERVE OUR COUNTRY. ALL BRANCHES deserve respect, and no one branch is better than the other. Shame on you if you think otherwise, and if you served and think that then you ought to be ashamed of yourself. I've had family members on more than one branch DIE for little brats like you.

LMFAO hilarious. Oh and AnneFTW is a retard.