By Anonymous - 14/05/2009 17:13 - United States

Today, I was home on leave and having breakfast with my parents and my younger brothers. I guess I got too used to the rougher language around the Army barracks where I'm stationed. At the breakfast table I asked my Mom to "pass me the f***ing butter". FML
I agree, your life sucks 484
You deserved it 182

Top comments

HAHAHAHA nice one. I was at my mom's and accidentally said her cat is so ******* cute.

That almost happened to me too when I was back on leave a few months ago.


tangello 0

How is this an FML? and 131 you're dumb because it happens all the time. not just to people in ww2 TT"

Haha thats so gnar. ive been in the enlistment process for like 6 months now. And thats all that i hear all day..."rougher language" your story made me lol hard.

Machayo 0

I ******* lol'd so hard. ******* butter.

That's just comical. Should of just explained it to your mother that you didn't mean anything though. It's just the way you've come accustomed to talking due to the military.

lol what did u MUM CAN U PASS ME THE F-ING BUTTER? lmao. i hoped u apologised to her

wallythedolly 0

Thank you for your service, but watch your mouth, sonny!!!!

dude you HAVE to learn to separate work-language from home-language and yes it's possible. (I'm former Navy myself)