By Anonymous - 14/05/2009 17:13 - United States

Today, I was home on leave and having breakfast with my parents and my younger brothers. I guess I got too used to the rougher language around the Army barracks where I'm stationed. At the breakfast table I asked my Mom to "pass me the f***ing butter". FML
I agree, your life sucks 484
You deserved it 182

Top comments

HAHAHAHA nice one. I was at my mom's and accidentally said her cat is so ******* cute.

That almost happened to me too when I was back on leave a few months ago.


Monstarred 7

If you say the F-bomb asking for butter, I dont want to know how many curses you say everyday.

bigtruck 0

Yeah, Hamburger Hill is a good movie, I guess no one here has seen it but you and me. FYL

To put it bluntly: #170, shut up. Ouch, man. Sucks to be you. Comments like that slip every now and then... but still, ouch. 'Pass the ****** butter'... sucks to be you.

God, military people. YDI, you need to learn how to control yourself better in different situations. I never swear in front of my family, no matter what happens. And I love how if anyone (God forbid!!!!) says even the slightest thing that could be determined to be like totally *mean* to someone in the armed forces, no matter who they are, they're automatically evil commie liberals who hate their country, don't appreciate their rights, don't know what those people go through, and need to burn in hell. Yes, they're obviously the ones who need an attitude adjustment.

ayashe... you mean well, but you have to understand that being in the military really changes people - even basic training is carefully, psychologically tuned to do this. I'd -never- consciously swear around a kid. But being away from civilization that you're used to, with 10, 100, or 1000 other young people and a few officers and sergeants... that changes the way that we instinctively talk, think, and react - very rapidly. And that's just the average working Joe or Jane in the military, not Infantry, Special Operations, or Marines, etc, who have to be shot at and and potentially kill people on a regular basis. What I'm telling you has nothing to do with any political view or stark defense of military members acting badly. I have seen a lot of female soldiers your age deployed (I am a sergeant, and a woman). Imagine that you were sent overseas to live in a tent or shack with 20 other young women, with next to no privacy at all, for half a year, working 12 hour days (or more), with only one change of clothes, limited toiletries, no internet, telephone, or cable, and practically no personal items. Imagine that this tent is in the backwoods of a country you don't know anything about or understand the language or culture of (and where people would be very happy to see you dead). Would you begin to act less polite if you could not stay clean, had to cut off your hair and live with practically no privacy, surrounded by teenagers and 20-somethings (mostly male), and were constantly under exhaustion and stress? Our environments influence us as humans in so many ways.

haha I love military people but it want ur fault :)

this made me lol. i say **** every other word. glad my mom got used to it.