By happyharriet - 16/04/2009 02:32 - United States

Today, I was having a panic attack so I called my parents. My brother answered to say my parents couldn't come to the phone because they were watching 24. Its ten o'clock and 24 is not on now. They were watching 24 on TiVo and couldn't pause it to come to the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 750
You deserved it 5 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sammyg 0

i think Jack needs their support more then you, he is constantly in danger of death.

don't mess with anyone when its bauer hour


haha hey...most of the shows i watch i catch online...and i can always pause it...but it still pisses me off when people interrupt while i'm watching

Inspired22 11

I'm sorry you can't count on your own family to help you through panic attacks. It would probably be way more beneficial to you to turn to someone else, though, because counting on people you can't trust can only make it worse!

_apecakez 0

LOL, #6! you live in a family of jerk offs. :D next time you see them, "accidently" put a baseball bat, or a Wii remote through the television screen.

Hubblebubble 0

i agree with #23, you should maybe turn to a friend or someone you can trust when that happens because otherwise the entire situation will get worse. My friend's had one and panic attacks are scary enough to watch, let alone actually going through one yourself!

That's understandable. This past episode of 24 was simply brilliant. But, your parents could've paused the TiVo, so FYL.

elfuzzo 0
musu_fml 0

Maybe they're giving you some tough love; you won't always be able to go running to your parents when you have a panic attack, so they're weaning you off them.

Find someone else to call. Like your doctor. And get some medication for that! Panic attacks are uncool.