By khlonnae - 21/10/2017 19:30 - United States - Dayton

Today, while hanging out with my boyfriend, I started getting ready for bed. As I grabbed my face wipes, he said, “Wait, don't take off your makeup because then you'll be ugly.“ FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 320
You deserved it 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I believe they have a word for boys like that. "Douchebag"

I hope you threw him out of your home for that. What a schmuck.


I believe they have a word for boys like that. "Douchebag"

"Perhaps so, but at least it will only be on the outside, unlike you."

That word perfectly describes his personality if he made a remark like that.

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Lobby_Bee 17

Your personality must be fantastic.

Yeah, OP must have a real nice pair of personalities to land guys like that.

I hope you threw him out of your home for that. What a schmuck.

Ugly_Jones 12

Hey Khlonna that was just a joke I didn’t mean it. Lol

you sure he wasn't teasing or joking? I know a lot of couples that tease each other like that.

khlonnae 14

I didn’t have control over the font or picture