By Renter - 24/03/2011 14:54 - United States

Today, I received a bill for damage to my old apartment. The same damage caused by the maintenance guy when he came to fix the pipes about a week before I left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 685
You deserved it 2 763

Same thing different taste


cloudy01 0

(Replying to first comment directed to OP just so I can be higher on the comment list)

Thabb 0

(Replying to comment number 16, which wasn't funny at all)

Xravak 0

17, since you are copying him, you obviously thought it was funny enough to do the same thing. So shut the **** up.

Thabb 0

I was mocking him, which means I thought he was funny? I would like to see the logic behind this.

25, you seem like a cool kid. however, learn this now, NEVER argue with KaySL. she will burn holes in the side of your brain with her words.

KaySL is a stupid bitch. Telling off a twelve year old kid, you make me laugh. Why are you on FML trying to embarass others that may not be as intelligent as you might be? Oh my, you're so cool now you got a dumb blonde supporting you too! Dumbass.

30, I'm rather concerned about you. I recommend a doctor visit. perhaps a colonoscopy. we all would like to know what that object is that's shoved so far up your ass.

KiddNYC1O 20

Missbunny: Thabb wasn't trying to argue with KaySL, to my understanding.

33 yeah, I realized that after I had already posted. it wouldn't let me post a correction. my bad, Thabb

Don't tell me to get a doctor because I'm sure as hell I don't need one. Thanks for the recommendation though! As far as I'm concerned, you need a grammar teacher. Shit, you were close to writing a paragraph with that many misplaced periods thrown around. May I say dumb blonde? I think yes!

KiddNYC1O 20

Although I agree: Don't argue with Kay.

37, don't go grammar nazi on me, bitch. you're clearly pissed because you got owned by KaySL and I. go back to your cave where you belong, you disgusting animal.

I wasn't trying to make a point dumbass? You make me laugh, I called you a dumb bitch and that blonde over there a dumb blonde. I don't think flaming needs a point.

MrFlintstone 5

sounds like a law suit to me

bowchickawowbone 0

How about you tell him to repair the hole in your wallet?

Meg1Surf2Blonde3 0

hahaha man ur life sucks srry :P

This sounds like the scene from duplex, lol.

I had to deal with a similar incident once, so now I take pictures of the before and after of any work done on my apartment by maintenance, then I report the damage as soon as it's done. I hope it all works out for you.

my parents were charged $5000 in damage at our last place, including "damages" to the blinds that we installed and paid for, and a crack in the driveway from the moving truck being to heavy

mismonroe 0

Always document so you have proof. Sucks to be you.

enonymous 8

I'm sure the landlord did not appreciate a glory hole being installed in your bedroom. I personally think its a stroke of genius and will be doing some DYI this weekend.

Pro tip: Pictures my friend, take pictures/ dates etc next time, they hold up very well in the court of law.

Calling yourself "the maintenance guy" will not get you out of this bill. It will also not get you to "fix the pipes" for the 14-year-old chick that lives three doors over, so take it from me and stop wasting your time.

if you can't get out of paying the bill, then just make sure you keep a spare key, once you've payed the bill break in to the house, **** it up beyond belief, and then quietly leave and go on with your life

MrFlintstone 5

did u recommend breaking into ur own house with a spate key