By pride? what's that? :( - 01/09/2012 00:23 - Belgium - Leuven

Today, I was feeling depressed and got very, very drunk. This evening, I was feeling equally desperate, and ended up having to get my special dildo removed from my asshole at the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 800
You deserved it 40 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was the doctor atleast anal about the proceure? All pieces removed?

I'm not even thinking about the hospital trip. I'm trying to figure out how the ride there went.


You have a "special" *****? That ***** sure as hell ain't special now.

Don't feel bad. My friend who is a head nurse once had to prep a man to get a grapefruit surgically removed from his anus. You'll be fine

That trip to the hospital and the explanation to the doctors must've been interesting.