By fatgirl - 16/05/2010 04:08 - United States

Today, I was eating pizza with my boyfriend and my friends. I was laughing and talking and went for another piece when my boyfriend grabbed my wrist and said that I had had enough. My friends all backed him up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 992
You deserved it 10 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you didn't break his hand? If my BF ever pulled some shit like that, he'd be sporting a cast. Not cool, especially in front of friends.

SweetestSin 4

Well how many slices did you freakin eat prior to that?


They are just trying to do you a favour, maybe you should listen to them and eat less.

perdix 29

OP: Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, big girl! You are actually lucky to have a bf who cares enough to point out your growing weight problem even at the risk of offending you. Lots of guys would let you fatten right up and dump you for a girl that has the figure you did when you started dating. Get that lumpy ass over to Weight Watchers and follow the program diligently. You'll feel better, look better and gain control over your eating. . . you may even keep that bf of yours.

mona_is_here 10

you advertise WW too much. all these stupid diet programs are made for people with no willpower. I've got many buddies for whom sport is life and they know their shit. WW is absurd. calorie counting is absurd. you know what professionals do when they want to lose some weight? carbs/protein alternation diet (2 days protein, 1 day of carb loading and one day mixed then you repeat the scheme)+lots of cardio+eating 4-5 times a day small portions in order to trigger your metabolism +lots of cardio and the good ol' ECA (ephedrine-caffeine-aspirin) before the workouts to give you boost of incredible energy and help burn fat. no programs needed. simple as hell.

mona_is_here 10

just look at my pic. any proof this method works needed?;)

All of what you just recommended is a program as well. To lose weight in a healthy way, you need a program, routine, or regimine. Since people are overweight for different reasons and are different themselves, not one method works for everyone.

mona_is_here 10

well, the only way to lose weight in a healthy way is to do is gradually, not by starving yourself. all other variations can be effective but WW is just a commercial programm. why make it all so complicated? the whole calorie conception doesnt work, the amount of consumed carbs/fats/protein is what makes us lose or gain weight. ive been there done that, eating chocobars within the calorie limit wont make you slim cos it's carbs+fat. the body uses both of them for energy and either of them will be stored as fat. so, thats why calorie counting conception is such a big fail.

perdix 29

That is not true. If you follow WW diligently, willpower becomes less and less of an issue. You get in the habit of eating normal amounts of food and the weight comes right off. People "for whom sport is life" are not ordinary and what works for them doesn't necessarily apply to full-time workers or students. Calories are the key to whether you gain, lose or maintain weight. Period. You will find that if you analyzed the calorie count of crazy programs like the one you mentioned, success will be determined by those who coincidentally consumed the right number of calories. WW does have Good Health Guidelines that emphasize lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, whole grains, vitamin supplements and drinking enough water. Ephedrine is a dangerous drug and is heavily regulated here in the US. It's stupid to just play with it. I got off caffeine 3 weeks ago and haven't felt better in a long time. I automatically go to sleep each night at the same time, sleep continuously through the night, wake up the same time each morning and rarely feel drowsy during the day. This is so much better than my soar-and-crash caffeinated lifestyle. I only "advertise" WW because I've lost 45 lbs on it since August and it has changed my life.

mona_is_here 10

perdix, I didn't say that way of losing weight was healthy. but it's the classic one among sportsmen and bodybuilders and well, these dudes definitely put their body figure above their health. Ephedrine itself isn't a drug. it's precursore which is used for synthesing some real drugs like ephedrone, dxm or even meth (brr, nasty, i know).

mona_is_here 10

and hey, speaking of calories. if you consume the same amount of calories all the time, your body gets used to it and your metabolism slows down. thats why its recommended to 'binge' from time to time, for example, if you usually consume 1500 calories, once or twice a month you should consume 2500-3000 calories. it 'deceives' your metabolism and it gets working faster. sorry for my bad english, btw but i hope you can still understand me :)

perdix 29

Mona, I've known some bodybuilders and they said that they were the "unhealthiest" when they were in competition form. While they appear to be in a shape one would want to emulate, the truth of the real effects of competitive bodybuilding is quite ugly. Don't get me wrong, I strongly advocate resistance training, especially for men, but taking it to those extremes is detrimental to good, long-term health. If ephedra is not a drug, then neither is cocaine or opium. What is considered a "drug" in different countries varies, but look up the side effects and risks of consuming ephedra and then decide if it's worth it. I'd recommend you avoid it. Yes, you can lose weight with a diet that includes "chocobars" as long as it is accounted for in your WW Points (basically, a Point is the same as 50 calories, but with a penalty for fat and a bonus for fiber.) The chocobar does not store as fat because of its composition, but because it was part of a daily consumption of calories that exceeded the calories burned by your metabolic, life processes and the exercise you add to that. Congrats on your weight loss. I hope from now on, you focus on being healthy and not just thin.

perdix 29

#57 Mona, You've found my WW secret! I do the program almost fanatically 6-1/2 days a week, but after I weigh in Saturday at 10:30 AM and sit through 1/2 hour meeting, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! I don't use the Weekly Points and Activity Points during the week, so my leaders have said that I am just using them all on Saturday, but I think I go well beyond that. You are right that a body under constant malnourishment will adapt, and that makes sense since most of human history is about fighting starvation, not dealing with an overabundance of food. My idea is that my weekly feast reassures my body that I am not in a famine, so the starvation response does not need to be invoked. Good catch. BTW, your English is perfectly fine. You could have told me you are a native English speaker and I wouldn't have doubted you ;)

my mom did weight watchers twice. once when she was pretty fat at over 200 pounds and she lost a shit load of weight. like 60 pounds. i remember she got like an award for doing so good or something. the other time was after she had my brother and sister and she lost all the baby makin weight again and continues to be thin. it doesnt even take alot of willpower. she made a bunch of classic foods but with like weight watcher recipes to provide a healthy twist. if you do it right, WW can get you to the weight you want in a couple months.

Actually calorie counting is a good way to lose weight. If your body burns more calories than it takes in than you lose weight. And by the way most professionals don't push some stupid diet scheme like you said about carb loading and protein. they tell you that you need to change your lifestyle. to stop riding around in a car and use your feet or bike. the healthest cities are those that are set up so that people can easily access what they need through walking or riding a bike. And believe me. I'm right this comes straight from a nationally respected health expect who taught a class on obesity at my university

mona_is_here 10

arhanes, the method you choose depends on your motivation for losing weight. do you want to be healthy or beautiful? you can say both but yet, either will prevail. if you have BMI>25 and are really obese, then I guess, that programm I wrote about, wouldnt suit you because though effective and very сompetent, it doesnt suit for people with heart/liver/CNS problems. and excessive weight of course has a negative effect for the heart so no, obese people, stick to a healthy diet and average intensity workouts. but if you;re slightly overweight, like, a few lbs or so, then you may spend months dieting&working out in attempts to lose weight but not lose any single gramm. this happened to me many times, your body just keeps your fat percentage in some limits but they are not always satisfying from the point of aesthetic view. so thats why your bmi may be normal but you wont be real slim. and thats why you need some other methods besides the classics aka diet+exercise. works perfectly for people who are inclined to corpulence, like me for instance. phew, this took a while to type but well! :D

Sea_of_Madness 0

I`m gonna put FYL here for a couple of reasons: 1. Even if your BoyFriend cares about you, he still shouldn't have done that to you IN FRONT OF YOUR FRIENDS. *WTF?* 2. I love how "BoyFriends" think they have full authority over their "GirlFriends" like they are already their husbands. *HeadDesk* 3. In fact he shouldn't even be your BoyFriend in the first place if he thinks you don't look good. 4. Yes. I`m a Chubby Chaser.

trumpetGIRL12345 0

What are you saying, husbands have full authority over their wives and can own them and treat them like crap?? *Headdesk*

um, my husband doesn't have "Full Authority" over me. that would be the ******* day. no one person can have full authority over another.

Oops, that was meant to be @ 40, lol.


Op most likely isn't fat. She most likely has a high metabolism. Her friends are most likely those pencil-thin type girls that think eating more than the size your hand automatically makes you fat, and her boyfriend is just one of those jerk offs that agrees with that.

Check her user name. Also, it could be as others suggested. Everyone paid for the pizza together and OP was having more than her share.


Wow, just noticed I said "most likely" 3 times. Sorry guys!

If your boyfriend is so controlling that he needs to monitor what and how much you eat, you need to dump him now before it gets worse.

Amber14Marie 0

Well it seems like you were probably eating the whole freakin thing. sharing = caring hoarding = obesity

xXBrokenByLoveXx 3

aw wat a dick! one time I was at a bday party and my bf at the time told me it was good that I wasn't having any cake because I'd get fat and that I looked perfect the way I was. it's like WTF are they sayin we are too close to being fat to eat food?!?