By fatgirl - 16/05/2010 04:08 - United States

Today, I was eating pizza with my boyfriend and my friends. I was laughing and talking and went for another piece when my boyfriend grabbed my wrist and said that I had had enough. My friends all backed him up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 992
You deserved it 10 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you didn't break his hand? If my BF ever pulled some shit like that, he'd be sporting a cast. Not cool, especially in front of friends.

SweetestSin 4

Well how many slices did you freakin eat prior to that?


Your username is fatgirl, I'm not surprised

I'd be mAd As hell. time to get new friends And A new boyfriend becAuse thAt's some ol' bullshit

xxrebelsxx 13

I think it depends on how many slices she has eaten prior to this , me and my friends/family usually try to split the pizza between us equally. I mean if she ate 4 piece and every body else got 2 i would be pretty annoyed two.

CaroAurelia 12

You need a new boyfriend. And new friends.

dragoongirl90 34

This vote depends on how much you actually had before he said that.

No, op didn't deserve this at all. If I want to eat a full pizza by myself, I will and no one can stop me. The poor girl was obviously hungry, her boyfriend didn't have to be a total dick about it.

Don't be with a controlling dick. Be with someone who loves you no matter what. Emotional abuse is still abuse and nobody should take it.