By fatgirl - 16/05/2010 04:08 - United States

Today, I was eating pizza with my boyfriend and my friends. I was laughing and talking and went for another piece when my boyfriend grabbed my wrist and said that I had had enough. My friends all backed him up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 992
You deserved it 10 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you didn't break his hand? If my BF ever pulled some shit like that, he'd be sporting a cast. Not cool, especially in front of friends.

SweetestSin 4

Well how many slices did you freakin eat prior to that?


Your boyfriend sounds like a dick, sorry op :( you eat that pizza and be happy!

& your friends should've backed you up. Extremely rude on their behalf.

Men as a general rule, don't like to see their partners getting fat. Stop eating so much, piggy. He's with you for the body you have, not the body that pizza will give you. Eat more, lose him.

It depends, did he stop you because you are eating too much, and are getting fat(in that case fyl), or were he telling you to stop because you had eaten more than your share of the supposedly shared pizza between your friends.

He shouldn’t have embarrassed you like that. :(

J15237 25

That is really ****** up. I would personally find another crowd to running with.

peterblack67 9

I feel that we need more information. How many pieces had you already had? Still his behavior was rude.