By mrteacher - 21/08/2009 22:15 - United States

Today, I was driving to work and I had to pee really badly. I am a teacher and my school was another 20 miles so I stopped on the side of the road. About halfway through, a bus full of laughing kids went by. They were all my students. My pants were down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 224
You deserved it 47 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PoolOfIck 0

wow YDI for not knowing how to piss out doors

Why wouldn't you just go somewhere with an actual bathroom?


NinjaKid24 0

honestly, you did nothing wrong.I would have done the same...ha and u should have flashed them :P

Altosax 4

the user name is mrteacher, I'm pretty sure it's a man.

Were you turning round and waving at them cuz I'm pretty sure you piss the other way bro

Were there no stores around? Gas stations? Houses? Bushes? Consider yourself lucky if you don't end up fired and on the sex offender list.

I empathize with your predicament but why, oh why, did you have to pull down your pants? That's exactly what zippers were designed for.

If you are a male why would your pants be down?? Don't you know how to take a piss by unzipping your zipper and pulling out your willy??