By sadinseattle - 22/07/2009 17:13 - United States

Today, I was driving on the freeway when I get a call from my friend explaining that our two best friends died in a car accident. I pulled over in hysterics and a cop came to see what was wrong. I explained what happened and he gave me a ticket for talking on the phone while driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 324
You deserved it 17 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats terrible =[ im so sorry for your losses

Whoa_YouSuckk 0

aww, i'm so sorry :( thats so messed up


This is so horrible that it almost HAS to be fake. I hope it is. The cop probably thought it was, so he gave you a ticket. Fight it in court though.

loves_to_dance 0

wow that sucks and thats really sad. the only thing i dont get is why are you on fml if two of your best friends just died. id be with my other friend and my family greiving. so im not sure if this is true. i hope its not cause thats sad. but if it is im really sorry for your losses.

I'm very sorry to hear about your loss, and I think the cop was very wrong in giving you a ticket. But I have a question. Why are you on FML if your friends just died?

dont you have something better to do than complain about getting tickets on the internet after your best friends just died?

YDI for talking on the phone while driving. Oh, and you could be part of the bad news.

UGH EFF THE POLICE! A-HOLES and #56 that is an FML. if ur friends died wouldnt u be upset? wow youre a dummy

oh_dear34 0

For Heaven's sake, people, you all are acting as if the OP has committed a serious crime (like murder or rape)!! All it was was talking on the phone while driving. Everyone saying "YDI" is blowing this waaaaaaaaaay out of proportion.

Yeah, we're all acting like this is a serious crime, like driving drunk. Wait, what? It _is_ like driving drunk? Well, I'll be. Check if you don't believe me.

oh_dear34 0

Just because the police in some areas have deemed it to be as bad as drunk driving does not mean that is true. In my state, it is perfectly fine to talk on the phone if you are over the age of 18. I use mine all the time when I drive and am perfectly fine. I haven't caused any accidents and I don't drive in the fast lane if I'm on the phone (because of the tendency to drive a bit slower while on the phone and driving). Now, I would agree with everyone that is crucifying the OP if she had stated she had been TEXTING and driving at the same time. That, I would agree, is equivalent to drunk driving.

Your two best friends just died, and you're on FML bitching about a traffic ticket? This screams one of two things to me: it's either fake, or you're a disgusting person with horrible priorities.

#56 never said it wasn't an FML. Learn to read, and practice your English while you're at it.

People seem to forget that ALL FMLs automatically begin with "Today", no matter when it actually happened.

DoomJeff91 2

So today, you misunderstood the concept that all FML begin with "Today"?

You're right, it just seems like no matter when this supposedly happened, the death of two friends trumps a traffic ticket every time.

You aren't getting why they posted this here... It's not because they're disrespecting their friends, it's because the bad situation they had been in had been made worse by an unsympathetic police officer who gave her a ticket. She made an FML about a bad moment in her life gone worse. It doesn't mean she's bitching.

What I'm saying is I don't believe her. In my opinion, it is disrespectful to even comment on a traffic ticket, when the focus should be on her friends. But that's just me. If this happened to me, I would be so devastated that I wouldn't even care about the ticket.

Well, shouldn't it be more important to watch your way than receiving the news? Besides, if her two best friends died, she would've known sooner or later. Oh, maybe not: she could've crashed, too. Well, I guess she was unlucky...

Whatever may be wrong with my post is nothing compared to what's wrong in #60's post.

quarterback 0

So... today you found out your two best friends died, so your first move was to go on and complain about getting a ticket?

renyark209 0

What a ********... Talk about a double FML...

... I would be devastated if that happened to me. I wouldn't know how to react. Pulling over would probably be something I would do too, and if a police officer gave me a god damn ticket, I would be ******* pissed off.