By dumbluck - 16/03/2011 06:54 - United States

Today, I was driving in stop and go traffic and passed two accidents in the process. I got nervous and decided to change routes to avoid getting hit. As I was trying to find an alternative route on my GPS, I rear-ended the car in front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 315
You deserved it 56 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idiots like you contribute to the traffic problems. Don't drive.

ulicksam 0

Your name should be dumbfuck, not dumbluck.


KataraTheBender 0

Bloody Idiots and their technology. Did you a tow-truck all right or do you need instructions for that too? PULL OFF THE ROAD BEFORE YOU TRY TO FIND A NEW ROUTE SO EXACTLY THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN.

ZielZone 4

DOH!!!! Now your just like one of them!

GPS are the ruination of the world. I mean there is nothing like hearing "You have reached your destination" while actually being 5 miles away from it, or hearing "Turn left" when the only direction you can go is right, or my personal favorite "At your nearest convenience, turn around" good time, good times =D

ironheart98 14

hence why they warn you not to use the gps while the cars in motion

letschat6 5

I'm pretty sure that there's a reason it says to "never set the GPS while driving". -___-

cman024 4

pay attention to the road and quit having machines tell you how to drive you dickhole!

Well. You could pull over instead of calibrating the gps while you're driving.

That's why it says to pull over before operating the GPS every SINGLE TIME you turn it on

recomendation, eyes on the road. park your car when trying to look for directions on a GPS. or if available have a passenger look it up for you.