By Aether - 03/05/2009 21:17 - United States

Today, I was driving down the road at about 10pm, when the passenger in the car in front of me threw something out the window. The object flew towards and landed directly on my windshield. It was a condom. A used condom. It wasn't tied. Semen spreads out quite a bit when you're driving fast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 136 939
You deserved it 7 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

today's going to be sunny with light semen showers

at least you weren't driving a convertible


Tick_fml 0

... LOLLL. ewwwwww. and @95. It annoys the buhjeezus outta me the folks who strive to find ways to "YDI" people. Give me a break.

I'm sorry about that, didn't see you back there

That's either really nasty or a really amazing joke.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#60: Yeah I know that crap is def. a rip off of fml and it is shitty it isn't funny. lol #95. Wow, OP that sucks, #12 you should work for the govt. because it seems you are always trying to find out something is fake. Gosh, get over yourself. So what if it is fake? Who cares, this is pretty funny.

stargirl8012 0 haha so funny

Thats hilarious.. at least your sunroof wasnt open.. :P

#12 The condom doesn't have to sit there long to empty its contents... there's something called force that makes the contents splatter out of the condom.

It sounds like the people in the first car a had a fun time. This is just funny but FYL!!

stargirl8012 0 haha funny