
By paranoid - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was walking on a path through a park by myself. I glanced at the ground and saw a shadow behind me. Thinking of an attacker, I screamed as loud as I could and began flailing my arms to ward him off. Turns out, it was a jogger. He had to stop due to his uncontrollable laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 833
You deserved it 55 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell is with all the paranoid women? If theres a shadow behind you it doesnt automatically mean that youre about to get raped.

Who the hell waves their arms to ward off an attacker? Are you dealing with a raccoon or a mugger here?


What the hell is with all the paranoid women? If theres a shadow behind you it doesnt automatically mean that youre about to get raped.

quent10 0

it's funny because you thought you were in trouble but it was just a jogger minding his own biz

Who the hell waves their arms to ward off an attacker? Are you dealing with a raccoon or a mugger here?

hobbsicle805 0

This is an example of what you call a 'dumb bitch'

smileyxo4 5

164- I think it was to draw attention to herself, so if "he attacked", more people would be watching... I think.

Well, I think it would be a cute "how I met you" story.... You know, if the jogger liked what he heard. *eyebrows*

Yeah a pro wouldn't be caught by his shadow! YDI.

Why are women that afraid of attakers?Well at least you wern't carrying a gun.

BecauseIAmBatman_fml 22

Because lots of women get attacked. That's why.

Sounds like he should be more scared of YOU !

You should have looked before you started panicking...

If it had been an attacker, flailing your arms would help you how? Make him laugh so hard he can't run after you? YDI for being ridiculously paranoid. I'm surprised you even pluck up the courage to leave your house.

I agree with #1. This is so sad and stupid. In some situations, sure, but this, no. Throwing your arms around and screaming isn't exactly attacker proof. I guess we can't all take self defence classes though if we're truly paranoid. Oh wait.

kimjonas_fml 0

Now, this is a lesson to never come to conclusions too quickly.

greenyme 0

one of the funniest fml's ever!!!!!!!!