By jimmy - 19/08/2011 21:57 - United Kingdom

Today, I was diagnosed with crabs. I lost my virginity to my wife, and have never had sex or any sexual contact with anyone but her in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 163
You deserved it 4 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds fishy...wait that was a lame pun. That sucks though man.

you do realize you can get crabs other ways than just sex right?


juston_p 1

All you have to do is shave and condition.

Jujubilee 1
jessesgirl14 16

Well... Looks like it's time to shave and kick her to the curb if she got it from someone else!

You can get crabs from the beach t... What ? oh those kind

You can get crabs from public potties... Sad that you blame your wife.

FallenNevermorE 0

U can get crabs in other ways, like using dirty underwear or wearing a unwashed bathing suit.

I need to show this to absti-no sex people.

kronick_fml 0

That's why you don't leave q-tips on a toilet seat them bastards can pole vault manscape and moisturize

RyanX92 0

Uh sorry to break it to you but you don't just get them from sex you can get them if you aren't clean such as not cleaning your junk proporly not wearing clean underwear. Not saying your unclean it could be her too. But that's wishful thinking could be the worse as well.