Damn kids!

By Anonymous - 01/02/2021 13:57

Today, I found out that my 9 year-old cousin logged into my main chess account and lost 1700 points on purpose down from 2300. Which took 8 years of grinding and several national championships. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 137
You deserved it 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That really sucks. Is there any way you can get the points back or at least some by telling them someone hacked your account? Or used it without your permission?

contact the website explain to them on the day that it happened and possibly they can restore your account to the previous day before he got onto your account


That really sucks. Is there any way you can get the points back or at least some by telling them someone hacked your account? Or used it without your permission?

Oh, you got rooked! That's an account you need to check, mate. You should fork your cousin all knight.

coius 23

After forking your cousin, follow up by spooning the bishop. The pawns of the bishop will be glad they don’t have to line up for the crowning outcome. Besides, the king is useless to protect itself from another enemies bishop.

contact the website explain to them on the day that it happened and possibly they can restore your account to the previous day before he got onto your account