
By Anonymous - 11/05/2021 16:58 - United States

Today, I saw maggots dropping from beneath my car. I looked under, to see a rotting paw dangling from my engine. That would explain the smell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 994
You deserved it 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, so your car smelled and you didn’t investigate prior to seeing the maggots? That’s nasty af, OP. 🤢

How long did you let that smell go without investigation? 🤢 Honestly, if your car smelled like a dead body, you might be lucky if the police were not involved.


How long did you let that smell go without investigation? 🤢 Honestly, if your car smelled like a dead body, you might be lucky if the police were not involved.

Wait, so your car smelled and you didn’t investigate prior to seeing the maggots? That’s nasty af, OP. 🤢