Keeping your options open

By Nick - 02/04/2022 19:00 - United States - Federal Way

Today, my girlfriend was swiping on Tinder and came across my active profile before confronting me. I'm not sure who's more in the wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 249
You deserved it 1 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CounselorSmileyFace 8

Sounds like you both just need to see other people.

might as well open the relationship at this point and go ethically non monogamous


CounselorSmileyFace 8

Sounds like you both just need to see other people.

This is the 2022 version of "Escape (The Piña Colada Song)" Spoiler alert: it turned out ok for them.

AzraelAngelus 15

Holy hell this guy lives 25 miles from me

It sounds like her gut was saying something to her in order to be confident enough to create and swipe in front of you. But that's only the perspective of someone who was being cluelessly cheated on, for 3 months or more while my gut was burning

kitten79TX 5

Sounds like y'all need to break up and move on, since you're both planning on cheating.

might as well open the relationship at this point and go ethically non monogamous

Why are you even together, if you're both so bored that you're actively looking? Why waste time and hurt feelings.