By vadoodoo22 - 15/01/2010 05:02 - France

Today, I was chatting with my girlfriend and I asked her to give me her phone to make a call since mine was dead. A text came in from someone and the name sounded familiar. My best friend has been dating my girlfriend longer than I have, and she gave him head. I kissed her earlier that day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 998
You deserved it 3 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heartagram_in_ro 0

how did you not know that your " best friend" was dating her before you?

InternetToughguy 0

get her to give you head then before you blow your load pull out and bust your nut in her eye (from what ive been told it hurts like shit) now as for your friend you should introduce his face to your fist :)


heartagram_in_ro 0

how did you not know that your " best friend" was dating her before you?

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Uh no, that's just plain cruel. It sounds like she was a new girlfriend (if all they'd done was kiss). It's still not okay to cheat, but a kid's for LIFE (unless she gets an abortion, but it's still a lot more serious...), and cheating is something most people get over quickly in new, non-serious relationships... Just saying! Still, OP, FYL ): That guy just gave you shitty advice.

#37: Please see a psychiatrist. OP: Why did you read her text message?

38 you are beautiful. too bad I might be too young for you... :)

@57 - F your life for trying to find a chick on FML.

That's a great revenge process but i think a good ol' White Dragon oughtta do the bitch some good. Search it on urban

SLiPKNoT57 0

that's a great I-******-dea... I might try this out

#38 because a zombie make-up is just the sexiest thing out there.

Foxracingluver 0

I agree with number 1 :) end of friendship and relationship I gues haha

why end the friendship? technically, HE'S the other guy.

skeleton_skinner 0

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InternetToughguy 0

get her to give you head then before you blow your load pull out and bust your nut in her eye (from what ive been told it hurts like shit) now as for your friend you should introduce his face to your fist :)

The girl cheated on his friend with him . . .

Wash ur mouth with soap and water!!!! Yuck, I would hate be u

If you're not gunna kiss any girl thats given head then pickings are gunna be pretty slim. Unless he kissed her right after she sucked off his friend then it doesnt matter.

Mimorie17 12
Nic_hole 0

I agree with number 1 lolz, and your best friend knew about you two I'm guessing??what?! that's really retarded, he was not your best friend obviously! and that girls a ****

ashleysmashleyyy 0
DorkyBlake 0