By mandy - 10/04/2009 15:35 - United States

Today, I was babysitting my neighbor's kid. We were playing in the yard, when he fell and got a small scratch on his leg. I gasp, and he takes a huge breath in and yells, "FUUUCK!!!" as loud as possible. The parents thought it was me, and the mother slapped me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 267
You deserved it 3 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EffinWhosLife 0

I hate the kind of parents that think their kids are so perfect, that they would never do anything wrong. If i were you, I would've slapped her and left. (I would slap my Aunt too, if she weren't family.)

MooKee 0

That's rude, you should have slapped her back! XOhah DID You at least get paid


I can't believe she slapped you... You seriously need to report her to the cops and file assault charges. She had NO right to slap you! Even if you were the one who said "****", she still had no right to lay a finger on you! You seriously need to press charges. That is unacceptable behavior... you don't deserve that at all!

See....You should sue her. Seriously...especially if you're a minor.

I certainly agree with those telling you to press assault charges. Even if you had sworn, it wouldn't be a good reason to slap you. Teach that woman some manners.

someone else's parent slapped you? not cool. that kid is going to be a problem one day if things like this keep goin on

Lo_Ho 0

Wow. I babysit a lot, but seriously...i hope you walked out and will never return. Unbelievable.

i hope you smacked her back...with a brick.

Shoulda slapped her back. But seriously, something like this is never right. And like many others are saying, press charges!

dang_fml 0

what kind of mother doesn't recognize her child's voice? lmao! i smell a lawsuit hahaha