By mandy - 10/04/2009 15:35 - United States

Today, I was babysitting my neighbor's kid. We were playing in the yard, when he fell and got a small scratch on his leg. I gasp, and he takes a huge breath in and yells, "FUUUCK!!!" as loud as possible. The parents thought it was me, and the mother slapped me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 267
You deserved it 3 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EffinWhosLife 0

I hate the kind of parents that think their kids are so perfect, that they would never do anything wrong. If i were you, I would've slapped her and left. (I would slap my Aunt too, if she weren't family.)

MooKee 0

That's rude, you should have slapped her back! XOhah DID You at least get paid


That's messed up! She SLAPPED you?! If she wasn't related to you, you should've backslapped her. How does she not recognize her own kid's voice? I mean not every kid is perfect, so you have to expect them to say at least one curse in their life.

So you sound like a little boy? That must suck.

Roxas_fml 0

They can't tell what their own child's voice sounds like? Lol.

same advice as always in these situations: kill her

I hate frivolous lawsuits but I kind of agree with #48...she had absolutely no right to slap you even if you had cussed in front of her child so you should at least threaten her with a lawsuit.

She shouldn't have slapped you. What kind of example is she sending to her child. I bet she was the one who taught her kid that word. Stupid *****. If she apologizes, say you won't accept until you can slap her with a hand full of rings. That will teach her to assume and slap babysitters. Lesson learned, ho!

Dude what the. . .? Who does that? What kind of example is she even sending her kids, she's prob the one who taught that nasty word to her very own child. You should've slapped her back. That would've been awesome. Legendary, maybe :]

i would have responded in one of two ways A. i would have slapped the bitch back B. i would have called the cops and gotten her ass arrested for assault.