By I_Am_The_Edge - 11/06/2009 16:06 - United States

Today, I was at the park when I saw a homeless man sleeping on a bench. I thought it would be funny to throw a small rock at him. He thought it would be funny to pull out his knife and chase me for six blocks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 158
You deserved it 2 679

Top comments

I don't blame him. I'd chase you with a knife if you had thrown a rock at me too. YDI.


Congrats, you're a shit person. Shame he didn't catch you.

Shame that OP didn't get murdered.


#10, you remind me of my 3 year old cousin. Honestly, your logic and spelling are at a toddler's level.

I hope he chased you down you little ****. I don't know why anybody would vote FYL. It should be unanimous YDI.

you asshole how is that funny to throw rocks at him. yes he was a little out of line but a little sympathy please. homelessness, it could happen to anyone

lotemkaiser 0

you sooo deserve it for being a serious dumbass. Why would you think it's funny to throw a rock at a homeless guy? **** I wish he threw the bench he was sleeping on at you.

then stabbed you and peed in your mouth and set you on fire

WTF!?!?!? ydi;; dont be such a dick by throwing rocks at homeless ppl! just because THEY'RE homeless and UR not! ok, would u do the same thing if donald trump was sleeping there? stupid dum shit BURN IN HELL

Honestly I would rather throw a rock at Trump than a random homeless person

dumbbbb 0

im glad he chased you with a knife, moron.