By I_Am_The_Edge - 11/06/2009 16:06 - United States

Today, I was at the park when I saw a homeless man sleeping on a bench. I thought it would be funny to throw a small rock at him. He thought it would be funny to pull out his knife and chase me for six blocks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 158
You deserved it 2 679

Top comments

I don't blame him. I'd chase you with a knife if you had thrown a rock at me too. YDI.


you bitch he shouldve killed u u know he is a human being how is it funny 2 throw rocks at people u should be in jail

#53 should hang out with the OP while he throws rocks at poor people. I hope you both get ******* shanked.

you are an idiot you totally deserved that

#13: how would he call the cops. he's broke and homeless. dumb. #67: it's "where'd all the good people go"

wallythedolly 0

Yah, throw a rock at a homeless guy- fantastic idea. YDI.

uh... I would have whipped out my chain gun and shot some "rocks" at you, just going 20x as fast :P It would have been better if the homeless dude cut ur arm/leg off and ate it in front of you :P You are a terrible person and deserve to die.... YDI

YDI it's not nice to throw anything at anyone. FHL not yours. Why are you being so mean? Your probably just a kid.

#70 - #76 - 911 on a pay phone is free. Not that it would matter, I don't see the cops believing a homeless man over someone else... if they even show up to take a report that is.