By NotSoYoung - 17/06/2009 16:35 - Canada

Today, I was at McDonald's and I was going through the drive-thru. As I was driving away, I checked my food and the lady had given me a Night at the Museum Happy Meal toy by mistake. I got so excited that I crashed the car into a pole. I'm 36. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 812
You deserved it 70 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dracer 0

The little joys are the best?

kmander93 0

you're ridiculous, though I would do the same


Holy crap a night at the museum happy meal toy ur so lucky! But seriosly don't eat food from mcdonalds

your a fag, that's not even funny. a 36 year old crashed his car bc of a cappy toy, pathetic

LMAO Thats awesome! i probably would have done the same thing! Yeah! Go Canada! :P

Kristen6201 0

LMFAO. that was priceless. High five!

waah_fml 0

You are in BC? Cause I just saw a crashed in post at a McDs!!!

Cycaarj 0

Well, that pretty much sucks.. But on the bright side.. At least you still can be happy over the small things. ;p