By hot_mess88 - 04/07/2009 15:24 - United States

Today, I got called to a biker bar to break up a fight between my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 128
You deserved it 2 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you give them a right scolding after? and a lecture on behaving irresponsibly in public? XD Oh, parents...they do the darndest things


wow.. god i can picture that happening to me :/ btw call me retarded, but whats a "biker bar"?

Yknow, I dont mean to sound like, brainy or nothing, keep this to yourself, but I've heard Biker Bars are where Bikers go. Sorry to sound smart or anything.

fyl8847 0

you kind of sound stupid, just to let you know...

Is that at me or the 1st poster? :O

urm... "biker bar" isnt something ive ever seen here in the uk. ever. i assumed it was something to do with motorbikes but why a bar would be aimed at only people that ride them is beyond me. and yes, i was first, but unfortunately i didnt see the point in going ZOMFGIFICATIONFIRSTOMGOMGOMGOGMOGMOGMGOGMOGMGOMGGPWND! wankers -.-

Google Ace Cafe if you don't believe there's such a thing over here.

oh shit yeah, i didnt think to google the name of a bar that i know nothing of before asking what a biker bar was because i havent seen one before! and for those that think im retarded consider telling someone that hasnt ever seen/heard of a biker bar that theyre stupid... i mean what are they supposed to serve, like motorbike beer? theyre probably just normal bars aimed at "bikers".

I was trying to give you an example, since you're the one that was asking about them, no need to get defensive. Chill out more!

lalaimbored 0

a biker bar isn't just for bikers, anyone can go there. its just nicknamed that because its mostly where bikers go get drunkk.

Nuahavizu 17

heh, nice reply. as an American, i find "wankers" is one of the most awesome insults ever. (not being sarcastic)

Back in the day, @29, all bikers were hard asses. Well most of them. Now it's flimsy wether someone is a weekend rider or a real hog hound. But bak when they were all bad asses that wore leather jackets and nobody felt comfortable at "that biker bar" seems whatever bar it was, was usually seedy, smokey and full of laughs booze and fights. Had shady goings on and definitely provided a good time.

******* hell, that joke died out on the one about the depressed girl. gtfo.

raseanador 0

wow that was probably soo awkward

ImAKlutz15 0

WHAT!?!?! Oh my god that's hilarious. I can picture it in my head.

AHAHHAHAHHAHA that's soo funny! I would be soo embarrassed!

rafaelaugusto94 0

hahahahahhahahah awkward but hilarious

you deserve a prize and perhaps therapy.

so_me_fml 0

Omg I love this one! Ha ha, if this isn't an honest to goodness TRUE FML, I don't know what is! Your parents rock :P