By blinkme - 28/08/2009 05:39 - United States

Today, I was at a concert and the guy who was selling the drinks tripped and fell down the stairs, landing on the floor next to me and the drinks went all over. I went to make sure he was okay and helped pick up the drinks. After assuring me he was okay, he gave me a free soda. It exploded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 696
You deserved it 13 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

not fml. you got a free soda. quit bitching about it.

That was awfully nice of you to help him out. Sure the soda exploded but you still get mega karma points!


If you opened that soda after watching it bounce down a load of stairs, YDI. Seriously. But if it just exploded... oops. Sucks to be you.

your life = average

nice of you to help him out, nice of him to give you free soda, but he did trip, should of have expected it to explode. but fyourlife for this? really? theres people who finds out wives /gfs are cheating on here and your say fyourlife for this? o well least your good person

IOwnedYou 0

... How does this affect your life in the tinniest bit? Wow it exploded, that's terriblee..

Wow, that must have been one boring concert! If you'd rather be a volunteer janitor than watch the show, you need to pick better acts next time.

agree with #32, but this doesn't affect your life at all. dust yourself off and move on.

rentmefor1day 0

FYL because he was nice and gave you a soda?

screwtaylor 0

I agree with Plexico. But maybe the concert didn't start yet. Anyway, the OP should have youtubed that crap.