By imblue42 - 24/06/2015 05:16 - United States

Today, I walked into the dining room to find my mom popping pimples on my dad's back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 242
You deserved it 3 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sticky situation. Sorry that you had to witneszit, OP.

It could be worse, my girlfriend forcefully pops all my pimples.


Sticky situation. Sorry that you had to witneszit, OP.

I don't see how this is FML worthy. This really isn't that big a deal.

mds9986 24

16 - FMLs are supposed to be about small things that mess with your day, I can say that this qualifies. I'd probably be grossed out for a while if I walked in on this, especially in the family dinning room where I eat.

ChopSuey444 20

A pretty normal (Albeit slightly gross) thing is reason to say "**** my life"? Nah, FML isn't supposed to be about the little things that most of us go through,, otherwise we'd be seeing a lot of "Today, I stepped on a slug" and "Today, I stubed my toe."

mds9986 24

27 - Wrong. " is a collection of user-submitted stories, likely to happen to anyone, which we then publish on the site. Simple. This is a place where you can let it all hang out and unwind by sharing the little things that screw with your day, and maybe realize that you are not alone in experiencing day-to-day crap. There now, don't you feel better?"

sonasonic 34

Mix 1 part of water with 99 parts of brain bleach. Mix well and leave on until memory is gone.

It could be worse, my girlfriend forcefully pops all my pimples.

You thinks that's bad? My parents do the same as OP's parents, the difference being that my parents often do it in the kitchen. Sometimes even when my dad is cooking food.

Not to sound it like weird but some people has fetish to pop pimples. Its a weird world.

my girlfriend likes to lick my pimple juice

PePziNL 20

53: You just had to take it to the next level, didn't you?

I sometimes Pop my boyfriend's pimples, because he tends to do it wrong and has left a few scars on his cheek because of it. I don't mind helping him, however I always have a tissue with astringent cleaner on it. I can't imagine doing that with him... You give "doing the nasty" a whole new twist

I asked a friend to see of there was a pimple on my back. Instead of just saying yes, she forcibly popped it. I felt totally violated. Maybe try doing it back?

Hope she doesn't plan on cooking after a while

The dining room? I hope if she was getting ready to fix food, that she washed her hands...

qwertycode 19

Must've popped a pretty image into your mind, right?

I wonder if OP will be able to get over zit

lennon_ 16

There's quite a few people I know that do that for each other, I find it disgusting but idk I let em' be.

it really could have been worse. Poppong zits isnt that bad.

These are things you can never unsee. FYL indeed