By Cup_of___ - 26/11/2009 16:23 - United States

Today, I walked into a liquor store and thought about inquiring for a job application. After seeing the cashier, I thought about inquiring if she was single. After accidentally breaking three bottles of liquor, I didn't do either. I left the store, still single and unemployed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 939
You deserved it 30 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. You are stupid. How did you break 3 bottles? YDI

If you're this clumsy sober, I'd hate to see you when you're drunk.


Wow. You are stupid. How did you break 3 bottles? YDI

Look on the bright side OP you left the store exactly how you entered a lonely, unemployed loser :)

X0XyentroucX0X 0

theres other fish in the sea. (girlfriend wise and job wise)

One I might think it's a bad luck. 3... You did it on purpose. YDI

...and broke? Did you have to pay for the bottles?

At the liquor store I work at, we don't make customers pay for the stuff they break.. well at least if they don't do it on purpose, I don't know if it's on purpose I never had it happen before

grimmelok 0

Wow, aren't you a Casanova. How long did it take for you to think of that line? -_-

If you're this clumsy sober, I'd hate to see you when you're drunk.

That would have been the perfect excuse to ask for a job app... because you'll need to pay for the bottles you broke! You have to learn when to recognize opportunities.

xoluvinshayxo 0

hey i moderated this onee!! but YDI for trying to be cool,and not just being yourself either way

First of all, no one cares that you moderated this. Second, OP never said he WASN'T being himself - he simply considered asking for a job application and a date, but never got around to either. It doesn't even say how much interaction he had with the cashier, or how that interaction went. Your advice is not applicable here. Better luck next time.