By tspence - 20/03/2013 22:08 - United States - Genoa

Today, I found myself arguing with a 6-year-old over a game of tag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 588
You deserved it 34 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I do that with my nephew all the time. Little shit likes to cheat at everything.

KittenQuinn 6

Those little suckers are competitive!!


KittenQuinn 6

Those little suckers are competitive!!

Obviously the person who wrote the FML post and the kid. Some people and/or kids are too competitive which sucks because they will never truly know how to have fun and realize it is just a silly game. It's nothing to get worked up over.

You can't triple stamp a double stamp!

94yhy 8

What a horrible person you are. I want to assume the six year old was right.

hippo1234 19

Horrible person seems a little extreme....

94yhy 8

Re-reading my comment, I realize I was a presumptuous jerk. Don't know why it sounded funny when I thought of it.

^You worded your first comment odd but I get your point. Just let the kid win so he/she feels good about themselves. It's not a game of life or death and OP should have just let this kid win (no, it isn't always the right thing to do because we don't want any kids thinking they will always be right, win, or have it their way). I think that's what you were trying to write.

I do that with my nephew all the time. Little shit likes to cheat at everything.

#4, little kids have this awesome capability of making arguments damn near a plague of constant loss. My four nieces will argue until they are blue in the face, just to prove me wrong, that Minecraft does not suck..

Oh i know. My nephew argued for days that he wouldn't eat peas because they were the green giants poop. Only thought that after seeing a goat at the petting zoo. I don't think he is completely convinced otherwise yet.

Op, the fact you choose to Argue with a child, doesn't exactly advertise your maturity level. :p Let it go, I'm thinking your ego should survive this...

Not necessarily. OP could have been showing how mature he was. The argument could have went like this: OP: "Do to the fact that this is freeze tag, you had to halt when I had tagged you until I have tagged all the other children or they have tagged you, making you defrost and become mobile again. Due to you being mobile at all times, you have broken the rules. Since I can't punish you for it, you are indeed a cheater-cheater, pumpkin eater." Six-year old: "Shut up, Doo-doo head!"

19- Lol, well if you put it that way, perhaps Op was being mature about how he/she dealt with this. Maybe I just read too much into the word Argument, where I was comparing it to Discussed, or Explained. :)

3rdbass 9

If it means that much to you, then you won. You won,OP.

sblack76 3

Show no mercy.....6 years old is old enough.

TheElBurrrito 21

Said every pedophile, ever...

RedPillSucks 31

Damn! OPs not having sex with the 6year old. At least, that's not what I thought "playing tag" was all about.

Well yeah, tag is some serious shit, just like Dora the Explorer.