By etmerda - 12/07/2012 10:31 - United States

Today, I walked around town by myself for four hours because I was too ashamed to tell my parents that I have no friends willing to spend time with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 129
You deserved it 4 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

frankq555 3
MrBrightside21 20

Make that four. But I usually bring candy to offer to people so they would want to hang out with me... Why do they always call the cops? It's like the world wants me to be friendless.


This is your chance! 4 whole hours to make friends :)

I'd be willing to be your friend OP :) thing is I dont know if your far or not as I am in SJ well I await a reply if not then its cool.

37 - Trying to make friends on FML is creepy, considering what's on this site, and what you're trying to do.

39 - Newbies are okay in my book. Everyone was a newbie at one point. OP=original poster. OP is the writer of the given FML that was posted.

galacticstorm 6

47- hey not everyone on fml is some sort of predator or something.Speaking of making friends...I wonder if docbastard or perdix would like to be friends?.*jepordy thinking music*

Sorry, I can only be friends with people who can spell "Jeopardy" correctly.

galacticstorm 6

I sit around the house cuz my sense of humor is so ****** up people back off. Not alone at least *Doughnut finger*

kram1 5

Lonely you are so lonely, you have nobody... Your on your own oooooooooooooooo with your head.

Ph03n1x1369 2

I would choose happy and alone to miserable and with people I don't like (or don't like me) any day. Popularity is highly over rated.

I am one of the most well known people in my school...., and the people who are tecnecly my friends, I only keep around for entertainment. They mean nothing to me, they are toys.

You sound like an utterly pathetic individual. What does "well-known" mean to you? That people recognise you? So ******* what. If you think of your purported friends as toys, then you don't deserve people's respect. And if people don't respect you, you don't have anything. Technically, people like you disgust me.

flutter4 7

At least you have the guts to get out and walk around by yourself and you are not in you room alone feeling sorry for yourself.

Instead, they're outside feeling sorry for themselves.

I feel you on that man just chill you'll find someone