By NoThanksGrandma - 20/11/2011 07:37

Today, I walk into my grandma's house after having a fabulous lunch with a few friends. The first thing I hear is "Be a dear and help me change my colostomy bag." I lost that fabulous lunch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 325
You deserved it 4 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nanaprincess 7

quit whining. she obviously needed your help. grow up.

She was probably embarrassed to ask you for help too, I'm sure she wasn't excited about it either.


perdix 29

"No, Grandma, I won't be a dear. I'm going with selfish bitch on this one." But, it sounds like a great diet plan: bulimia in the service of others.

Scands_59 14

It's gross but, people need help sometimes, my grandad passed away from acute Leukemia and he was too old for chemo therapy so we tried our best to help him but 2 weeks after he was diagnosed with it, he died :'( Treasure your grandparents, they have a huge influence on your life.

hateevryone 14

Ya maybe you lost that lunch but stop and think how bad your grandma has it be thankful she is still alive and you are able to help her

zuzupetalsYO 11

Especially if OP is living with her grandma.