By NoThanksGrandma - 20/11/2011 07:37

Today, I walk into my grandma's house after having a fabulous lunch with a few friends. The first thing I hear is "Be a dear and help me change my colostomy bag." I lost that fabulous lunch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 325
You deserved it 4 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nanaprincess 7

quit whining. she obviously needed your help. grow up.

She was probably embarrassed to ask you for help too, I'm sure she wasn't excited about it either.


this just makes me sad cause she asked nicely /:

Dont listen to these people. They're being abit harsh!!! But yes its not the best job. But if it was you, you'd want help. So next time think about if you were in her position? :) My mum nearly died. She had every bag possible and i did everything for her regardless of how gross it was. I knew she didnt like me doing it either but it had to be done & she was incapable. & remember u dont have to live with that bag 24/7. She does though. Imagine how she feels. But babe. If you had a fab lunch good on you. Some people just cant stomach cettain things. So vomiting is the way some people react. Its not their fault. It just happens!! So leave her alone. She obviously does help cause she comes 'home' to grandma. Goodluck darl. Enjoy being with her while you can. I never met my grandparents. Smile babe :) you'l be her one day! x

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Even if she's your grandmother, that's still gross regardless. I don't blame you for puking, but what has to be done is done, no matter how disgusting it is.

jewelsfml 0

the first time I helped my boyfriends grandma do that I almost passed out. BTW did you catch it wasn't even my grandma. fml!

numbas2 5

That's what you get for using fabulous to describe lunch, what a creepy word ughhhh.

that is kinda gross... but if i was u i would help my granny.

nothing good every comes after them words be a dear, when it comes to old ladies.

Do you think your grandmother enjoys having a colostomy bag? If she could do it herself, she wouldn't have asked you for help. It's embarrassing, and you only made it worse for the poor woman by throwing up. Time to suck it up and actually help her out.