By almost - 22/08/2017 16:00

Today, I waited 75 minutes for a roller coaster. I got on the front seat and it broke a few seconds before it started. It was closed for the rest of the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 270
You deserved it 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

anAmericanGuy50505 6

Hey, it could've broke a few seconds AFTER it started... then you'd have a real FML...

exileonmainst 16

Wow, what an emotional roller coaster!


anAmericanGuy50505 6

Hey, it could've broke a few seconds AFTER it started... then you'd have a real FML...

Well i had to ride "Rock it" in orlando florida while a thunderstorm started. The radar never showed it and the staff were so scared after we finish

exileonmainst 16

Wow, what an emotional roller coaster!

So, you ruined it for everyone else? You may want to lay off the fried Twinkies, big boy.

this coulda been- today, I waited 75 minutes to get on a roller coaster. it broke a few seconds after I got on. I was in the hospital for the rest of the day. FML.

had the same thing happen to me back in January.

At least you didn't wait that long to die

Sketi1 7

just be thankful it didn't break a few seconds after it started!

Another reason I won't ride those damn things. But they should give you some sort of note/pass for the next time you visit that would enable you to jump to the front of the line for the inconvenience.