By V - 09/02/2009 07:51 - United States

Today, I visited my 78 year old grandmother. She thanked me for visiting and gave me a magazine before I left telling me I might find something I like in there. When I got home I looked at the magazine only to realize it's full of dildos and sextoys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 394
You deserved it 3 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So what? Kudos to your grandma, she's very open-minded for a 78 year old lady, you have to be proud of her.

alwaysalady 0

When I was 12 I found this coffee table book with a dust jacket of horses on it at my grandpa's. It was just a just jacket. The book was full of sex positions. To my horror, I recieved the real horse book with the jacket on it for Christmas that year. Grandparents...


So what? Kudos to your grandma, she's very open-minded for a 78 year old lady, you have to be proud of her.

yeah!!! my grandma is just like my mom. a ****** bigot. she hates my lesbianism. just be happy that ur grnadma is so cool.

Grandmothers rule :D You should thank her for being so considerate ;)

alwaysalady 0

When I was 12 I found this coffee table book with a dust jacket of horses on it at my grandpa's. It was just a just jacket. The book was full of sex positions. To my horror, I recieved the real horse book with the jacket on it for Christmas that year. Grandparents...

holynemesis1208 3

looks like your grandma's got style

Chura 0

your gramma gets cool points from me!

Your grandma is sweet! My grandma can't even say a word like *****, penis etc. you know, old-school lady

Last i saw my grandma, she gave me a jar of pickled cabbage and a lecture about the joys of heterosexual relationships (as opposed to my own, sinful, ways). Be forever thankful that you grandma is the way she is!

kat0ria 0

rofl omg grandmas are so funny.

nyangel 0

that is not fml, your grandma is entire family would freak out if they found out there was a vibrator in the vicinity let alone give me a magazine of sex toys.