By fmlguy - 10/12/2010 03:19

Today, I've been considering breaking up with my girlfriend so I don't have to buy her a Christmas present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 258
You deserved it 86 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does she have expensive tastes? Or are you seriously that indecent?


sophiamichelle 0

lol are you serious? just buy her a damn present and don't be a jackass.

agirlnamedlogan 5

You are a jerk. It's a miracle you have a girlfriend in the first place. You don't deserve her and your life doesn't suck yet but I really hope it does soon...

Well I'm sure you will be missing her over Christmas knowing you broke up with her cause of some issue with not getting her a gift. FYL

mother fucken ass hike **** sucking little pussy go suck a dick

ThatLooksSticky 16

I wonder if it's because OP is cheap, or he just can't think of what to get for her.

If you think so little of your girlfriend, she deserves better so go ahead and give her the better life that she deserves...without you!

good plan, then make up a lame excuse a day later to get back with her

Shadow_Phantom 26

...? You don't NEED to buy her something, but breaking up is not the answer.