By Fire_Crotch - 14/08/2010 06:27 - Canada

Today, I turned the shower on the hottest setting so it would warm up quickly. I started to sing and dance around the bathroom. I got too carried away and pelvic thrusted the water, which I hadn't turned back down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 855
You deserved it 48 715

Same thing different taste


kickboxer144 4

i hope you realise that this doesn't actually make the shower warm up quicker...

hot water + pelvic thrusting +...wait pelvic thrusting? who does that now a days? haha.

i sure hope you were taking a shower with underwear on and didnt burn your special place.

pianogrl 0

and WHY would you do that??

WOW... That's pretty stupid. But still... your life sucks.

Saiyza 4

Your status still says "man", so I take it your valuables are okay.

purplesavvy 0

lmfao your soooo stupid thats so funny but fyl for sure.

harbordawgswag 0

some one got a wille burn :)

That's what you get for being Canadian. SCOFF