By flipflap - 14/06/2015 06:35

Today, I tried to get a piece of glass out of my big toe. After an hour of poking and prodding, I finally got it out only for it to fall on the floor where I couldn't find it. Not five minutes later, I stepped on it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 316
You deserved it 7 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Clearly, anyone with a shard of foresight would've been sharp enough to sweep the mess up, or at least to have put on footwear.

Next time, might I suggest sweeping the floor if you lose something sharp like that so that doesn't happen again.


All of these solutions to the problem have people offered. I offer you a prevention, don't break glass...

hope you are alright . however, next time that happens. take note of the area it falls, then go get a broom and dust pan and sweep the little asshole up.

Wouldn't it of been helpful to put on some shoes around broken glass

It makes me laugh how everyone is all "That's when you vacuum it up or get some shoes." Yes, you must walk to get those things unless they are right there with you, and you could still get glass in your foot. Plus I never wear shoes in my house unless I'm leaving or I've just come in.

OP stated not 5 minutes later... Which implies it wasn't immediately following dropping the shard again but a few minutes later. Plenty of time to avoid the area the glass could have been and find shoes, broom and/or a vacuum.

Whenever I want to make absolutely sure I get all the broke glass fragments, I turn off the lights and shine a flashlight on the floor. Works every time.

Great idea! Wiping the floor with a damp paper towel will usually pick up the really tiny bits that even vacuuming will miss.

Wow you should of vacuumed the floor or swept it up at least.

bnbhimp 10

Sweep or vacuum lets go wtf