By jasondrags - 03/07/2015 13:42 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I tried to arrange my first gallery exhibition as a photography student. Not even my mother wants to come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 944
You deserved it 2 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep striving for greatness my dear. If you're already at the point where you feel you're ready to have an exhibit, then you're already lightyears ahead.

Don't worry about your moms opinion for now, I'm sure it's great! :)


Don't worry about your moms opinion for now, I'm sure it's great! :)

I'm sure you have talent she just doesn't see, someone will appreciate you {: Good luck Op

Sometimes people try to seek approval from those closest to them. Gives them courage. In this case, Op's mom seemed to care less. Don't give up hope OP!

I'm sure some people will show up even if your mother won't

You can still use those negatives to develop a portrait.

rhiannahoward14 19

One photographer to another- Try not to be too hurt by it. I mean yeah it SUCKS but it's how photography is. People pay SO much more attention to other arts and that's just how it is. My own mother got distracted by the painter's booth next to my booth when I did little showing. It's how it is.. :/

Keep striving for greatness my dear. If you're already at the point where you feel you're ready to have an exhibit, then you're already lightyears ahead.

That's only the first one OP don't give up on your dreams fight on !

You could always post it on social media, and let people join. Your mom doesn't seem supportive. Good luck, I hope many guests show!

good job. I know you want her to be there but this is about you. be proud that this is your first gallery.

Yu got my support, art is not about having followers, is about expressing yours. and your doing that alrdy

the whole comment was filled with Grammer issues yet you choose that word seriously? regardless of the mistakes this was a pretty genuine comment!

you're going to correct that but not "you" or "you're?"

Or you guys could look past the grammatical errors and realize that this is one of the better-intended comments here.