By worriedman - 03/07/2015 15:52 - United States - Chicago

Today, my girlfriend told me that once you love somebody you can never truly fall "out of love" with them. She wasn't talking about me, she was talking about her ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 090
You deserved it 2 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not true though, but the only advice I can give you is just try moving on, and you'll eventually find yourself falling for someone else

Wizardo 33

Apparently you can fall over and break it though. My advice is **** loving her and move on. You just got saged.


Not true though, but the only advice I can give you is just try moving on, and you'll eventually find yourself falling for someone else

That was the first line, the last line will be "we can always be friends"

Wizardo 33

Apparently you can fall over and break it though. My advice is **** loving her and move on. You just got saged.

Is that your response to everything?

Wizardo 33

Pretty ******* much since I'm a ******* wizard. **** it.

So that means she never 'loved' you in the first place :(

Then why do we have such a high divorce rate? Sorry OP...but you'll find someone better (:

JohnTheDonJuan 11

Just playing devil's advocate, but one could argue that those people weren't in love to begin with...

juturnaamo 29

It depends on the context. I'm not in love with my ex, but I still love him in the sense that I want what's best for him.

FMLusername969 21

But that's not "love". When i met my husband i found out what "love" truly is. I remember having that feeling earlier on in life but when i really fell in love I realized i never loved any of my exes. True story.

Loving someone is not wanting whats best for them. You cant call that love.

LuckBeNimble 19

I don't want to speak to every situation, but 41, people often feel the way you just described due to hindsight bias.

I think for me, it was being in love with the memories and who he was then. But people change. I think it's impossible to currently love an ex unless you spend a lot of time with them. I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I haven't talked to my ex in years, I don't even know who he is anymore. But really, you'll know the difference from loving someone, to being INlove with the right guy.

It's not romantic love, but it is exactly the kind of love you have for a family member

that double crossing definition. only ones who blind side and break up the other one usualy hold this definition.

My ex broke up with me, and I still love him... Just not in a romantic sense anymore. I'm with someone else now, and I may be IN love with him (not sure yet xD) but I know that if I do fall in love, if we ever break up, I'll still love him. Just, again, not necessarily romantically.

Time to let her go back to her ex so you can find somebody worthy of your time. He was an ex for a reason. She'll remember soon enough...then you can have the last laugh!!

_guy_j 12

That's a bitchy thing to say, OP. don't let it get to you

To be honest, I don't think OP's girlfriend is being really bitchy. Breaking up with someone is hard and there is no pleasant way to do it, and although I do sympathize with OP, his girlfriend wasn't rude about it. I don't agree with her logic, but I still think this was one of the better breakups (still, my condolences and FYL, OP)

Before you break up with her over this, please talk to her. If she really still is in love with her ex, that is a dealbreaker. But she could have meant that you never forget the people you have loved in the past. Oh, who am I fooling.. Dump her.

You have a good point. You never forget someone you have loved in the past, weather it's because someone bullied the poor guy because of you or if it's because the ****** ruined your life.