By mickey1928 - 12/01/2010 13:10

Today, I took my wife and newborn baby girl home from the hospital. While waiting for the elevator, an elderly couple leaned over, saw our baby, and said, "Look, it's the fat kid that was in the nursery." My baby is six and a half pounds, and my wife hasn't stopped crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 960
You deserved it 2 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should of replied "Look, its those wrinkled prunes that go around insulting newborn babies". That'll teach them ;DD

How is this an FML? The chubby babies are usually the cutest and the healthiest. Fat babies are the best.


IMB916 0

You want ur baby to be fat. Fat babies r the cutest.

man up I was 5 pounds 5 ounces and I'm still ok

FYL for having a retarded wife and propagating her genes.

logieebearr 0

it's cause alota old people don't have anything to do but be rude as hell..chubby babies are cute wtf

kabl00m 0

umm I weighed 9 pounds when I was born and I'm underweight now. babies are fat it's a fact

oh wow i was 9 lbs 3 oz at birth and i was 1 of the skinniest girls in middle & high school! like pretty much everyone elses comments, tell ur wife chubby babies r adorable!!

NotFatEnough 0

Your daughter is not fat at all. I was nearly seven pounds when I was born. Wasn't fat then, not fat now. Babies are supposed to be a little chubby; not only is it cute, but it's also healthy for the baby, so tell that old couple to stuff it. Babies at least have to be 5lbs11oz to leave the hospital, so your child is not fat. She's healthy.

Pearljammer001 0

**** your life for being around old people and hormonal women. enough said.

I call fake, because I was 11.5 pounds as a baby. Unless the old man was dumb and actually thought 6 pounds was fat. Then, FYL

Chances are it was my grandma. She thinks it's okay to yell 'Hey, look at that fat guy!' at someone in public.