By Anonymous - 24/09/2013 07:15 - United States - Petrolia

Today, I took my girlfriend out to eat at a diner where my friend works. My friend was our waiter but too busy to talk much. He texted me after we'd left to tell me that my girlfriend had slipped him her number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 975
You deserved it 3 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you found out that way, rather than her attempting cheating on you, and your friend was honest to tell you what happened, you have a good friend there


Wow she should die in a hole and get eaten by coyotes Your friend should if slipped her a note saying " **** off bitch. I'm friends with you bf" Piece of shit Tell me where she is Ill burn her alive like my grandparents did

You shouldn't take your username so literally.

Awkward would be the guy walking in on his girlfriend ******* another dude. This is just one of those times you ditch the trash before it starts to stink up your life.

gavagoul 10

At least you have a truthful friend.

Have her over at the house and invite him over. Make it super awkward (without letting on you know, of course) then tell her to beat it. No need for explanation. She knows what she did.

Geez, what a girlfriend -.-" At least you have an honest friend who told you what happened :D

At least you have an honest friend. Dump the hoe and treat him to a beer

Obey_StudBoii 23

At least he's a good friend and was honest with you. Best of luck.

Jst4kicks 16

now thatd a homeboy, dump that bitch