By bready - 16/02/2009 13:01 - United States

Today, I drank a ton of beers for my 25th birthday. My friends love to watch me open beer bottles with my teeth. I chipped both of my front uppers doing this. I'm no longer covered by my parents dental insurance because I'm 25 now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 860
You deserved it 72 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welcome to the adult world. It sucks. Maybe you won't be so stupid next time.

25 years old and you are screwed because you are no longer on your parents insurance? Opening beer bottles with your teeth? You sound like an OC brat.


Welcome to the adult world. It sucks. Maybe you won't be so stupid next time.

22cute 17

Yeah, your Mom probably told you 100 times this would happen. Nobody teaches like experience.

25 years old and you are screwed because you are no longer on your parents insurance? Opening beer bottles with your teeth? You sound like an OC brat.

SomeRussianGirl 3

Lmao my father does this and never Chips his teeth.

you didn't realize it might not be a great idea after you chipped the first one?

miamiFTW_ 0

maybe he chipped them at the same time. smartass

freddie_fml 0

it's all good man; maybe you can take to the streets with your special, unique talent and make some money off of it! that way you can pay for dental insurance.

Teeth beer opening isn't impressive, and just makes you look like a redneck. Fail.

dude, COBRA, you got 60 days to sign up

down2earth2c 0

oh my god im so sorry about your teeth but that story totally made me laugh and laugh and laugh. i feel so happy laying in bed alone right now.... hahhahahhahah but damn that sucks man im sorry