By needanewride - 16/11/2012 02:40 - United States - Newton Center

Today, I took a crowded train home. I was holding on to the rail when an old man started rubbing his crotch across my hand. I moved my hand but he moved too and kept doing it. When I moved my hand higher, he started licking it. I had to wait ten minutes for the next stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 290
You deserved it 3 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Weird! You shouldve told him you have a knife and if he doesn't quit he'll lose a few appendages.

totheforest84 4

Yeah Im pretty sure I'd put my knife in his leg for that.

fuckisright 5

Ewwwwww. You should have told a cop, that's sexual harassment right there.

btstig 11

Depends on who you ask. The old man would have said to stay!

rubyliu8420 7

Punch him in the balls & I'm sure he'd stop.

rintintin19 5

old man or not, an introduction to the back of your hand is in order.

HunterAlpha1 8

if you didn't do anything about it, YDI. that is sexual assault, AKA a crime, and you would have been perfectly within your rights to have decked him.

That's when you punch him in the crotch and, if you're able, walk away.

doglover100 28
Ciaraaaa44 2

You're stupid for not punching him OP.