By blondetergent - 20/06/2011 08:12 - Singapore

Today, I told my girlfriend that I'm a vegan. She replied, "So, you're allergic to meat?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 908
You deserved it 15 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The reason I eat meat is because it's delicious. Enough said.

"No, I have a vegetable fetish! Retard."


Today, my bf told me he is a Vegan. FML You deserve it for being a hippy.

Petunia888 13

Yeah, because all vegans are hippies. No one is vegan because it's healthier or anything. *Rolls eyes*.

yeah, and all hippies are vegans. *rolls eyes* generalizations.....

Zdog101 0

Vegetarians are not the same as vegans.

patacus 14

she was probably curious why you would make such a stupid life style decision. Its not mean, cruel, or unnatural to eat animals. it's part of nature. our bodies are designed for it, and we need the nutrients in meat to live. eat a steak and stop being stupid.

clarkie007 0

patacus just because u don't agree with it does not make it any less of healthy lifestyle grow up

Petunia888 13

Watch Change Your Food; Change Your Life. You can find it on Netflix. It'll open your mind. Not all people are vegans for ethical reasons. It's a healthy lifestyle choice. You get all of your nutrients from things other than animal-based products.

rebeccahreb 0

It's natural to eat meat huh? Tell me then if it's so natural then how come we have to cook our meat to eat it? Our bodies aren't meant to digest meat. We've just taught our bodies to. A lot of people are vegan/vegetarian for reasons other than ethical like health reasons. Unless you think preventing cancer, diabetes, and other conditions is stupid then I suggest you don't bash vegans and vegetarians. I know of people that turned vegan and vegetarian because they had cancer and diabetes. I also know someone's father who turned vegetarian because of his heart. I wish people like you weren't so ignorant.

109, We have always been meat eaters, but since we started to cook it we started to get weaker to the bacteria in the meat. Same with diseases. We survived mediaeval times because our bodies got used to the sick and bacteria. Now we're weak.

awardZu 0

If it isn't natural for us to eat meat, why do we have canine and incisor teeth, as well as jaw muscles designed to bite through muscle tissue? We cook our meat because we want to kill the bacteria that we can ingest from raw foods, not because it's unnatural.

ReynshineCutting 10

My great grandmother is 96. She's not on a single medication and doesn't have a single health problem other than arthritis. She grew up on a farm and eats eggs or meat 3x a day, just like she has her whole life. Now tell me, how many 96 year old vegans are out there?

clarkie007 0

123 no one cares! good for her I guarantee her diet had very little to do with being still alive considering most 96 year olds are alive because of pure luck not because they lived on a farm

awardZu 0

128, Pure luck? A healthy diet, and exercise have nothing to do with aging well? Both my grandparents lived on the family ranch till they were in their late 90's. Their doctor attributed their good health to their diet and lifestyle, not luck.

clarkie007 0

ha! so they actually did something to help the process, one couple out of how many??? hence the word "most" buddy

awardZu 0

I'm saying "most" people in their 90's are there because they've taken care of themselves. Ever notice how you don't see 90 year old fatasses? Some people are killed by bad luck, suck as getting smeared by a drunk driver, but the ones who are in it for the long run don't rely on luck to pull through

clarkie007 0

hahaold people aren't fat because there bodies are withering away and using less nutrientsand sry but I've never met anyone over the age of 70 that has taken care of themselves there whole lives because that wasent what people did back then, it wasent thought about until they got much older so ur argument is mute

Actually, 123 states that her grandmother had a healthy lifestyle her whole life. She GREW UP on a farm. She ate right and excersized.

awardZu 0

How can you be serious about this? 'That's not what they did back then'? They ate healthy meals (meaning no super sized value meals) and worked hard. Just because they didn't count calories and drink an Ensure doesn't mean they didn't take care of themselves.

Vito38 0

well just keep her in the dark and let her be dumb. so let her think your allergic and you won't have to explain what it is you really are.

FHL for finding a douche like you to date. Your "girlfriend" just found out your a vegan. Did you meet her on World of Warcraft?

Is this comment supposed to be clever? Or do you assume all people who play World of Warcraft don't know about vegans?

Petunia888 13

Everyone needs to watch Change Your Food; Change Your Life. You can find it on Netflix. You'd be surprised at what you think you know and what you've been taught. OP's girlfriend is just one of the many people out there that haven't been educated on the subject. I want everyone to know what I know!

i withdraw my statement of her stupidity. being allergic to meat is the only real reason to be vegan. she's a genius.

iwuvwoo 7

I don't think third graders should be dating.