For the life of him indeed

By Anonymous - 20/10/2020 08:08

Today, my significant other decided it’s safe to travel to Brazil for Christmas break, even though they are heavily impacted by Covid. He doesn't understand for the life of him why we should skip this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 045
You deserved it 164

Same thing different taste

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my work is full of people who believe this is just like the flu, and "God will stop them from getting sick". they host 100 person bbqs, huge church gatherings and don't bother with masks... some people are just stupid.

Most of the time, maybe, but some healthy people have a much worse time with covid than the flu, and some die. Of course, selfish pricks like you don't care if you might transmit it to any of their relatives might die from covid.


Sounds like his inability to understand will be the life of him.

He'll be ok. In Brazil, Covid is just a "little flu" so there's no problem. Good thing Bolsanaro knows how much it's different from the disease affecting the rest of the world.

my work is full of people who believe this is just like the flu, and "God will stop them from getting sick". they host 100 person bbqs, huge church gatherings and don't bother with masks... some people are just stupid.

jbowww16 10

It’s the flu for anyone who’s healthy all around

Most of the time, maybe, but some healthy people have a much worse time with covid than the flu, and some die. Of course, selfish pricks like you don't care if you might transmit it to any of their relatives might die from covid.

bobsanction 18

Well if you're from the US, Brazil is no worse off than us.