By are you kidding me? - 16/05/2016 21:24 - United States - Lady Lake

Today, my boss joined me on my vacation, to "make sure I actually went". FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 577
You deserved it 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And what would he do if you didnt go? You took the time off

sohigh10 34

That is some dedication.. why would he even care what you did in your vacation?


sohigh10 34

That is some dedication.. why would he even care what you did in your vacation?

And what would he do if you didnt go? You took the time off

Plot twist: it is a family business and OP's partner is their boss.

Pretty sure that's completely inappropriate...

How did he know where u r going!!!!!

OP probably said something of where they were going in order to get the time off.

Sounds like something my dick lick of a boss would do

OnlySkyrimStays 11

Does he do the same when you go to the bathroom?