Them frenchies don't **** around

By Anonymous - 30/09/2023 00:02

Today, my son, who I admit has a temper, met his cousins from France for the first time. Straight away he lost his temper, but before I could step in, his younger cousin knocked him out cold with a right hook, looked me dead in the eye and said, “That’s how you get a bitch under control.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 248
You deserved it 1 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are some lessons that only family members can teach

he deserved it. it was going to happen eventually


There are some lessons that only family members can teach

he deserved it. it was going to happen eventually

mahifml 1

Going from zero to "lost his temper" within seconds of meeting someone isn't normal, chief. Nor is a "temper" that has someone else feel justified in knocking him out cold as self-defense.

kudos to the little cousin! someone needed to teach your son a lesson. your son needs therapy. this isn't "has a temper." there is something wrong with your kid. if he's still a minor pull yourself out of denial and do something about it

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